What New Years Resolutions should the Criminal Justice System be setting in 2021?
How safe is our data? - Evaluating Current Data Protection Legislation
Meghan vs The Mail: the legal implications
Face-break? Breaking up Facebook
The world seems to have moved on - but has the END SARS movement changed Nigeria?
An African revolutionary: The legacy of a top-down revolution
Kinshasa–Brazzaville: The Border Between Two Cities
Difficult Conversations: A Reflection On The Ostracization Of The LGBTQIA+ Community In Africa
DUPS A-Team: Nike and the Forced Uighur Labour
Automated Lawyers and Robot Judges: How AI-proof is the legal field?
Are Drones the Future of E-commerce?
The Legal Industry’s Digital Future: Technology as a Competitive Advantage
The Emerging World of FinTech
The Government’s Supreme Court Plans: Warranted Reform or Worrying Revenge?
Your brain already knows who you are going to vote for
‘An Accelerator for Human Progress’ – A Utopian Hub or an Auspicious Dream?
Transitional Justice in the Middle East: Re-thinking Transitional Justice & Human Rights in Algeria
Sukuk as an Alternative to Bonds in Financial Markets
The enduring impact of the invasion of Iraq 2003
Privacy v Pandemic: ethical issues raised by contact tracing applications during COVID-19